Tag Archives: shades

Day 169: and yet more Sufjan (but this will BLOW YOUR MIND)

30 Nov

Hey guys!

So, yeah I know Sufjan Week is technically over… and I promised myself I wouldn’t go spouting about him a ton more (mainly because I don’t think y’all care)… But this is awesome.

His newest video for the song “Too Much” (which I featured on day 155, and is my favorite song off of Age Of Adz) kind of blows my mind. It’s a little crazy on the eyes, but I really wish I was in this music video. Mainly because it looks like they are having way too much fun.

My personal favorite part is his dance to put on the shades. Seriously, what skill… I epic fail at that every time I try.

Anyways, without further ado, check out this psychedelic video for “Too Much”…. and try not to look directly at the lines… it’ll suck you in!