Tag Archives: cats

Day 264: [BELATED] Talking Cats

6 Mar

So yeah, I know cat videos are cliché on the interwebs, but this video just makes me smile.

Apparently these two cats usually fight with each other, but on this particular day they just sat and talked to each other (for like an hour). I freaking love them, and I wish I could’ve actually been there to see this… the purr-meow is just heart-melt-worthy!

These are my two favorite spoofs. Enjoy!

Day 152: Cat Shopping

13 Nov

Hello there!

I have a short post for you tonight, so I bring you two things that are slightly related!

One is this picture:

Too cute!

The second is this video:

Yes. This is how I live my life when I’m bored!

Anyways, expect a longer post tomorrow. I have my theme week coming up!!


Day 150: My Miserable Life Of Solitude With Cats #1

11 Nov

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

A good friend of mine approached me about doing a comic for the site, and when I heard about the premise I was very excited!

He wrote up a little bit about the strip below, and I am honored to debut the first strip!

From the author:

“Hello everyone, my name is Warner Brown, and I am the proud owner of 2 very strange cats, this strip is dedicated to the weird, bizarre and sometimes psychotic things they do on a daily basis, the art will get better, the strips more entertaining, but heres a taste of My Miserable Life of Solitude with Cats. Enjoy!”

Look for more My Miserable Life of Solitude With Cats here at Life As We Know It!!

Day 14: Cute Boys With Cats

3 Jun

Hello there! If this is your first time on the website, be sure to check out the about page in the top right hand corner.

Today, I appeal to the fellow ladies (and possibly gay guys). Well, honestly, I appeal to everyone who likes cute boys with cats. Because that’s exactly what I give you.

A few weeks ago, I was a-stumbling on stumbleupon.com when it took me to this sweet little tumblr account. I already knew I’d love it from the tagline: “because there is a serious shortage of pictures of cute boys with cats.”

Here are a couple previews:

come check it out! (click on any of the pictures above, or click the link right below this!)

Cute Boys With Cats!