Tag Archives: clouds

Day 292: Windowsill by Arcade Fire

28 Apr

I wanted to feature this song today because it literally encompassed my feelings in song-form. Sort of.

You see, today was one of those strange bipolar weather days, where the sun would peek out for a good ten minutes before hail rained down. Rain to sun to hail to rain to clouds to sun to rain. All day long.

And as I was walking through campus, doing whatever I normally do on Thursdays, I had the undeniable urge to find a CD that could compliment the strange weather pattern… making it more realistic, I guess.

I try to turn to bands that I’ve trusted with this task before, so it only took me a few seconds to realize that Arcade Fire’s whole Neon Bible album is incredibly effective for this type of day. But what really convinced me was the presence of the song “Windowsill.”

The song is incredibly somber, but it’s grandiose and beautiful while still remaining terribly melancholy. With Win Butler’s graceful voice moving through the difficult lyrics, and the background instruments (specifically that string part towards the middle), I can’t help but feel like this song is an escape for not only me but for the band itself (see the lyrics “I don’t wanna live in my father’s house no more…”). It expands and increases it’s intensity while still remaining full of plea.

With the weather changes that just mess with the population of our little city, “Windowsill” is not only an escape, but it falls with the rain, just in a different way. I feel like I can imagine looking through the window of a hectic world onto like a green pasture, so free from all this craziness. I guess I’m just strange like that.

But regardless, it perfectly encapsulated a moment in time today, and I couldn’t help but feel a little empowered by this song. The world just sort of melted away around me, and all that was left was me and the rain/hail/clouds/sun. It was a beautiful feeling.

I hope you can enjoy this song the same way. Here’s “Windowsill” by Arcade Fire

Day 263: Open Your Arms by Editors

4 Mar

Hey everyone!

You know when you have one of those days where you wake up and everything goes wrong? Yeah, that’s today for me.

But instead of dwelling on it too much, I’ve decided to take extra precautions today to make sure I try not to slip into some sort of sad mindset. Sure, I am a wee bit upset that today has gone by in a not-so-great manner, but I can think of at least one thing that makes my day a little easier.

“Open Your Arms” by Editors is kind of an old-school song (it came out on their debut album The Back Room in 2005), but it’s so beautiful and mind-boggling that I can’ ever turn my attention away from it.

I first discovered my love for this song back when I was in 9th grade… it set the perfect scene for me. I was on a field trip with the band (yeah, I’m that much of a nerd), and we were headed to Wenatchee, WA for some sort of festival… but in order to get there from where I live, we had to go through the Snoqualmie Pass. Thankfully it was spring, so the lack of snow was a sight for sore eyes, but it was still a gorgeous view. Then “Open Your Arms” came on, and I couldn’t help but cry.

Something about this song just makes the scenery so much more special. It’s as if the song was written by the mountains, forests, lakes, snow piles… the road, the signs, the clouds. Call me cheesy if you like, but it’s a beautiful feeling.

So I hope you enjoy “Open Your Arms” by Editors. If I may make a suggestion: just close your eyes, and listen.

Day 63: 1000 1st Ave S (part 2 of 2)

22 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

So today continues part two of a day in pictures. These are mainly taken of the fronts of these gorgeous buildings down 1st ave. (next to Qwest and Safeco fields!)


Sodo Storage

Tree on the stairs

Yellow Building

Mojo Market

Seattle Sausage

Fire escape 1

Sodo Storage

Fire Escape 2

Look at the Sky

So beautiful

Fire Escape 3

Nordic Cold Storage Co. Inc.

Also, if you haven’t seen Inception yet, go see it! It’s amazing and neat and a great summer film. For the ladies: look out for the wonderfully suave Joseph Gordon-Levitt… not to mention English Tom Hardy and the ever-so-handsome Leonardo DiCaprio. Just take my word for it and go see it!

Day 62: Take Me Out To The Ball Game… (part 1 of 2)

21 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

Yesterday, my mom and I travelled into Seattle for a Mariner’s game. Even though they lost, the day was fantastic and full of laughter. Plus we both got some great pictures of 1st ave!

Today, I’ll post some pictures of the game, and tomorrow will be pictures of the buildings down the street. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out!

Seattle Skyline above Safeco Field

Safeco Field: Seattle Mariners vs. Chicago White Sox


Qwest Field at night

We were at first base!

... but we did sit in the 300 levels for part of the game.

Safeco Field sign

The hot security guard. But he was lazy as well.

Leaving at night. So pretty

Remember, check back tomorrow for more pics! Next time featuring buildings and fire escapes!

Day 41: Smile (Version Revisited) by Lily Allen

30 Jun

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page (located underneath the giant title) for more info on my project. Also. please sign the guestbook, which is also located underneath the giant title!

Once more, I’m crunched on time! But tonight I’m bringing you the top three things of today:

1. A family friend had her second baby today! It’s a little boy named Mason, and he is the cutest thing! I got to hold him, and the whole time he made little cooing noises and fell asleep. More than adorable! Here’s a picture:

Welcome to the world, Mason!

Congratulations, Amber and Daniel!

2. I got some really great pics of the clouds over the past two days… check out my two favorites!


Taken w/ Hipstamatic app. Also pretty!

Do you like clouds as much as me? I feel weird saying that, but it’s true!

3. Finally, today has been a Lily Allen kind of day. I love listening to her music because it always reminds me of summertime. Lovin’ it!

This is her song “Smile”, but it has been revisited (and it is almost more happy sounding than the original! I love it!). So yeah, enjoy

WARNING: this song does contain some language, so be forewarned!!

Have a nice one everyone!