Tag Archives: whistling

Day 68: They’ll Soon Discover by The Shins

27 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

So today’s blogpost is gonna be short and sweet and Shins filled. Because that’s the way I work.

I wanna feature a song that always makes me smile whenever I hear it! Yes, it’s from the Spongebob movie. Yes, it’s about Spongebob. But it never fails to make me happy.

The song is called “They’ll Soon Discover” by the Shins, and if you’re like me, you’ll want to sing along!

Enjoy! (also, sorry for the poor quality video… it’s mainly just for the song)

Day 43: Old Spice Commercials

2 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

Today has been a lazy day for me. As much as I’ve been trying to get myself motivated to do something, my eyes won’t budge from the tv. I guess I’m sorry? Maybe it’s the 8 months of no tv that’s making me obsessed.

Anyways, as I watch countless commercials, sifting through the crazy world of advertising, one series of commercials stand out over the rest. Old Spice.

Old Spice brand cologne, deodorant, and body wash for men has the silliest ad campaign. Every commercial features utter craziness that hooks even the females.

Being a journalism major, I love watching ads to see what draws people in… and Old Spice still makes it as my number one favorite ad campaign. They are so bizarre and silly, that they just make me happy.

So below are my favorite examples of how amazing Old Spice ads are.


and, of course, the most amazing Bruce Campbell!

Which is your favorite?

P.S. here’s a bonus

Day 11: Go Go Plant 2

31 May

Hello there! If this is your first time on the website, be sure to check out the about page in the top right hand corner!

As the rain comes down on this Memorial Day, I figured I would provide one of my FAVORITE ways to pass the time: playing Go Go Plant 2!

Not only is the music just freaking sweet, but the concept of it is so bizarre and awesome that it always brings a smile to my face.

This is dedicated to my faithful follower, Kaitlin. Make sure you get some fresh air this time and try not to play it for hours and hours XD


Go Go Plant 2 @ Armor Games [dot] com

Day 4: Crash Years by The New Pornographers

24 May

Hello there! If this is your first time on this blog, be sure to check out the about page (in the top right corner).

Today has been a bit upsetting… what with the car that almost ran me over and just the dreary outdoors.

But, I still haven’t forgotten what is most important: seeing the optimism in the world.

So as I made my way to my Tai Chi class, I put on the New Pornographer’s newest CD Together and heard the following song. And instantly, my day was better.

I hope you enjoy it as much as me! (specifically the whistling part). I feel like I need to take a hike through the woods or on the bank of a river.