Tag Archives: hungry like the wolf

Day 43: Old Spice Commercials

2 Jul

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Today has been a lazy day for me. As much as I’ve been trying to get myself motivated to do something, my eyes won’t budge from the tv. I guess I’m sorry? Maybe it’s the 8 months of no tv that’s making me obsessed.

Anyways, as I watch countless commercials, sifting through the crazy world of advertising, one series of commercials stand out over the rest. Old Spice.

Old Spice brand cologne, deodorant, and body wash for men has the silliest ad campaign. Every commercial features utter craziness that hooks even the females.

Being a journalism major, I love watching ads to see what draws people in… and Old Spice still makes it as my number one favorite ad campaign. They are so bizarre and silly, that they just make me happy.

So below are my favorite examples of how amazing Old Spice ads are.


and, of course, the most amazing Bruce Campbell!

Which is your favorite?

P.S. here’s a bonus