Tag Archives: day

Day 118: Snoqualmie Falls

15 Sep

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

I’m leaving to go back to Eugene on Friday, so I spent the day with two of my best friends…

The first half of the day was devoted to my friend Kaitlin, who is leaving for college tomorrow. We had lunch, chilled for a while, and decided to take a sporadic trip to Snoqualmie Falls.

Now, Snoqualmie Falls is located in the hills of Snoqualmie (duh!). It’s about 3 or 4 minutes outside of one of my favorite cities ever: Fall City. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get any pictures of the sweet little city, but it is one of those small towns where everyone knows each other. And it is my dream city!!

Anyway, Snoqualmie Falls is gorgeous. The little park is teeny weeny but it’s got a gorgeous view of this natural oddity. There is a bit of construction going on that makes it sad and uncomfortable, but it isn’t enough to ruin the gorgeous view.

What made it even more beautiful was the rain. There’s something gorgeous about seeing the falls in the rain surrounded by the green trees.

Check out the photos here:

The Rain

The Trees above the River

The Falls

A Lodge On A Hill

Kaitlin in A Wheel

The River

The Falls Again

The River Again

The River From Afar

The Gorgeous falls

The River

My Favorite Picture: The Falls in The Rain

Needless to say it was wonderful. While our time there was short, it was still a great day.

I will miss Kaitlin, but I’m glad we’re returning to school!

The second half of my day was dedicated to spending time with Tyler. I will miss him too, but we will chill sooner or later!

But anyway, if you’re in Washington and want to see wonderful scenery, come check out Snoqualmie Falls!!

Day 94: Silent Conversation

22 Aug

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

Today I spent the morning cleaning up the apartment for our trip t0 California, and I never realized how hilarious it is to try on weird clothes and look at all the stuff you forget about! I haven’t laughed that hard in ages, and neither has my mom!

Anyways, for today I have a beautiful game for you called “Silent Conversation”. There’s not really a winning or a losing side to this game, because mainly it’s just a game to allow you to read more clearly. It’s pretty, simple, and a great game to pass the time!

So enjoy “Silent Conversation”!

Click here to play "Silent Conversation"

Day 92: Elevenses by Neil Halstead

20 Aug

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

Early post for you today!!

If you didn’t watch the video I posted yesterday, I highly encourage it (check it out here) It’s cute and sweet and about superheros!

Today I have another really sweet song for you called “Elevenses” by Neil Halstead. Some of you may have heard it before, which is not unusual: the song is prominently featured in the most recent “Above The Influence” commercial (with the two teenagers who hang out together).

I see this commercial at my work all the time, and the song is so cute that I just had to find out what it was!

So I hope you enjoy “Elevenses” by Neil Halstead!

P.S. this video was made under 99 dollars! hooray for using resources!

Day 63: 1000 1st Ave S (part 2 of 2)

22 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

So today continues part two of a day in pictures. These are mainly taken of the fronts of these gorgeous buildings down 1st ave. (next to Qwest and Safeco fields!)


Sodo Storage

Tree on the stairs

Yellow Building

Mojo Market

Seattle Sausage

Fire escape 1

Sodo Storage

Fire Escape 2

Look at the Sky

So beautiful

Fire Escape 3

Nordic Cold Storage Co. Inc.

Also, if you haven’t seen Inception yet, go see it! It’s amazing and neat and a great summer film. For the ladies: look out for the wonderfully suave Joseph Gordon-Levitt… not to mention English Tom Hardy and the ever-so-handsome Leonardo DiCaprio. Just take my word for it and go see it!

Day 61: Young Folks by Peter Bjorn And John

20 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

Today I have a short blog post, but I will update a lot longer and more in depth tomorrow about a great day (chronicled in photos).

I bring you a great song, and a cute video made as a project for it. I didn’t make the video, but I stumbled upon it a few years back when the song was in it’s prime.

Enjoy “Young Folks” by Peter Bjorn And John

Day 57: [SPECIAL] Stop And Admire The Sizzler

16 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

Today I bring you a special blogpost! So enjoy!

Stop And Admire The Sizzler by Alex Marga

The Real Reed Fish

“One of the things that we’re looking for is that we’re trying to bring out the beauty in everyday objects, the beauty of the Sizzler restaurant… And every Sizzler is beautiful in it’s own way.” It was evident after just one phone call that Reed Fish is no ordinary man. While he and his wife Liz may cook dinner, open bottles of wine, go to concerts, and walk down streets just like everyone else, they use creativity to show us the world in a unique way.

The Fishs have mastered it all: Reed’s movie I’m Reed Fish (2006), starring up-and-coming actor Jay Baruchel, is still receiving fans three years after its release; the photography he works on with his wife is giving people a different perspective of simple things (like Sizzlers and loaves of bread); and their 10 second moments, currently filmed each day for the year 2010, are providing a way to stay creative throughout the year. But for Reed and Liz, being artistic is just a way of life: “It sounds a little cheesy I think, but I’m an artist, whether I write or direct movies or make visual art, you know, build photography. It’s all part of the same thing for me.”

Their work focuses mainly on the perspective of the creator, often testing the audience to develop their own ideas of what the art should mean. As a personal goal from college, Reed and Liz are on a journey to take a photograph of every location of the Sizzler restaurant chain in the United States. Displaying the pictures on their website, “The Fishes Love You,”* allows anyone to see their project in progress. But one aesthetic detail had me wondering what its purpose is. When asked why all the photos are blurry, Reed replied, “We’re not giving you a location of where the Sizzler is… In America, whether you live in Seattle or you live in Los Angeles, or you live in New York or wherever, chances are you eat at the same restaurants… It could be anywhere.” This is not the only example of perspective working for a purpose.

In his movie I’m Reed Fish, the perspective starts off in the normal, traditional “movie” setting: the audience is watching a series of events happening to a group of people in a small town. But soon, the real perspective comes into play: what the viewer thought was a normal indie romantic comedy cuts into a first-person account of the main character making a movie of the events that transpired. By taking this non-traditional turn, the viewer is given a chance to see the creator’s perspective on his own life.

The Ten Second Moment project of 2010 has really stressed what the Fishs want to say about the world. “We’re really trying to take the opportunity to examine things that people don’t normally examine,” said Reed, “and to find the beauty in these moments and these things and these places that people don’t normally stop and see the beauty in.” Each ten second clip features a different aspect of normal life: day #68, also called “Breeze,” is ten seconds of a breeze through the trees; while day #122, also called “Bed-head,” features Reed with an extreme case of bed-head. “There’s beauty in your ceiling fan going around,” said Reed, “… you can’t spend your life looking at the ceiling fan, seeing how beautiful it is… We both think it’s really worth while to occasionally stop and notice these things and see how beautiful they are.”

While the Fishs are happy people in general, their projects are not afraid to take a look at the dark side. “We’re not going to shy away from the dark things in our work, but we titled our website ‘The Fishes Love You’ … We wanna put good feelings out there. And for us a lot of our work is about the beauty of the every day, where we have the little projects, like the boxes of tissue… every slice in a loaf of bread, and you know what? Those objects are beautiful too… If you give them, some attention, put some nice lighting on them, and you take the time to actually look at them, you can really see the beauty in them.”

Through their photography, movies, and ten-second moments, the Fishs are opening up the eyes of their audience to a world already around us. They are giving us the opportunity to see something beautiful. Like Reed said, “Life is… fast pace. If you don’t take the time to stop and… you know I don’t wanna say smell the roses, but stop and… admire the Sizzler…” we might miss it.

Here is the preview for his movie I’m Reed Fish

*The link seems to be experiencing difficulties. I’ll edit it as soon as it’s back up!

I’d like to thank Reed Fish for giving up some time to talk to me on a great Saturday afternoon. It means a lot to talk to someone cool like you!!

Day 54: Ottoman by Vampire Weekend

13 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

For the last two days, I’ve been talking about some really great movies I love. So today, I want to continue what I’ve started and talk about another really great movie: Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist.

Nick, an awkward straight guy in a gay band (played by Michael Cera), is trying to get over his ex-girlfriend that he was a little too attached to. Norah, a sort-of-outgoing chick with a crazy best friend (played by Kat Dennings), is trying to keep her friend from making horrible decisions as a result of drinking. When Nick sees his ex at one of his concerts, he decides to find a fake girlfriend, and when Norah, who is friends with Nick’s ex, is tested for being “lame,” she goes the limits and kisses Nick on a whim. Thus begins the night of their lives, full of missing friends, a crappy Yugo, great music, a hidden concert, a douchy boyfriend (played by Jay Baruchel), and love without realizing it.

This movie is one of those cheesy movies that are aimed towards teenagers, but ever since I saw it for the first time, I’ve been a huge fan.

Here’s the preview:

My favorite part of the movie, however, is the music. A few months after the movie came out, I bought the soundtrack and brought it with me to a work-out session. By the end of the 40 minutes, I was incredibly impressed and totally in love with the music of the movie. Every song brought out something in me… a story. Yeah, sure, the songs were featured in the movie, and I can imagine Nick and Norah in the Yugo, listening to “Our Swords” by Band Of Horses. But when I hear the song, I can see something completely different in my head.

But my most favorite song on the whole CD is “Ottoman” by Vampire Weekend. The song begins the credits at the end of the movie, and whenever it pops up on my ipod, I can’t help but play it over and over and over again. It is a handsome song, and I can’t do without it in my life!

So enjoy, “Ottoman” by Vampire Weekend, from Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist.

P.S. tune in tomorrow or thursday for the special blog post!!

Day 49: My Cardboard Life

8 Jul

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page at the top for more info on my project! Also, sign the guestbook (also located in the top)!

Just like yesterday, I said in my blogpost that I’d mention more information about URBAN CRAFT UPRISING, so here it is

  • This saturday and sunday (July 10th & 11th) at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
  • Free admission!
  • Come look at neat projects from cool indie artists from around the nation (including SchmancyCake SpyFigs & GingerMonkey Sock MonkeyUgly Babygo robot!, and many many more!)
  • Raffle, prizes, craft demos, and much more!

Come check it out! Also, I’ll be volunteering on the Saturday from 8:00am to 1:00pm! Come say hi to me!

Also, I will have a special blogpost coming up next week sometime, but it’s a surprise! Get excited. GET EXCITED. But not too excited.

Okay, so for today’s post I have two things

1. After posting the documentary yesterday, my mother requested that I mention at least something about a movie called Animals Are Beautiful People. Basically, the movie is a fake documentary about a lot of real and semi-fake animals. While it receives a lot of controversy for animal cruelty, it was something I laughed at as a child. Besides, the 70s were a different time.

Here’s a clip from it (one of my personal favorites)

2. Last week, I showed you one of my favorite webcomics (called “Johnny Wander”). Today, I bring you another webcomic that makes me smile.

My Cardboard Life tells the story of a small square of Cardboard named Colin and his friends Pauline (made of paper) and Polar Bear (made of cloth). Each day they get into antics with their other friends, like a ladies man band-aid, a sponge with foil life, and, of course, CARDBOARD CARL (or Colin’s dad).

The reason I like it so much is because it is a different kind of comic… Each panel is made up of paper, cardboard, cloth, socks, band-aids, leaves, and really anything to make it look like a little world. It’s imaginative and adorable!

Here’s one of my favorite comics of the past couple of days!

Click the picture to go check out more!!

Day 41: Smile (Version Revisited) by Lily Allen

30 Jun

Hello there! If this is your first time on the site, be sure to check out the about page (located underneath the giant title) for more info on my project. Also. please sign the guestbook, which is also located underneath the giant title!

Once more, I’m crunched on time! But tonight I’m bringing you the top three things of today:

1. A family friend had her second baby today! It’s a little boy named Mason, and he is the cutest thing! I got to hold him, and the whole time he made little cooing noises and fell asleep. More than adorable! Here’s a picture:

Welcome to the world, Mason!

Congratulations, Amber and Daniel!

2. I got some really great pics of the clouds over the past two days… check out my two favorites!


Taken w/ Hipstamatic app. Also pretty!

Do you like clouds as much as me? I feel weird saying that, but it’s true!

3. Finally, today has been a Lily Allen kind of day. I love listening to her music because it always reminds me of summertime. Lovin’ it!

This is her song “Smile”, but it has been revisited (and it is almost more happy sounding than the original! I love it!). So yeah, enjoy

WARNING: this song does contain some language, so be forewarned!!

Have a nice one everyone!